
Transliteration (IAST)

Vishnu Shatpadi Stotram – Introduction The Sri Vishnu Shatpadi (śrīviṣṇuṣaṭpadī) is a revered Sanskrit stotra (hymn) dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the preserver and protector in Hinduism. Composed by the illustrious philosopher and saint, Sri Shankaracharya , this hymn comprises six verses (ṣaṭpadī) that encapsulate deep spiritual insights and expressions of devotion. In this stotra, devotees invoke Lord Vishnu to dispel ignorance, calm the mind, and cultivate compassion. Each verse serves as a heartfelt plea for divine assistance in overcoming the trials and tribulations of worldly existence. The hymn highlights the unity between the devotee and the divine, emphasizing that the relationship with Lord Vishnu transcends superficial distinctions. Recited with reverence, the Sri Vishnu Shatpadi is often chanted during spiritual practices and rituals, fostering a sense of peace and surrender. Through its melodic verses, the stotra invites practitioners to deepen their connection with the divine and to seek refuge in the compassionate nature of Lord Vishnu. śrīviṣṇuṣaṭpadī avinayamapanaya viṣṇo damaya manaḥ śamaya viṣayamṛgatṛṣṇām . bhūtadayāṃ vistāraya tāraya saṃsārasāgarataḥ .. 1.. divyadhunīmakarande parimalaparibhogasaccidānande . śrīpatipadāravinde bhavabhayakhedacchide vande .. 2.. satyapi bhedāpagame nātha tavāhaṃ na māmakīnastvam . sāmudro hi taraṅgaḥ kvacana samudro na tāraṅgaḥ .. 3.. uddhṛtanaga nagabhidanuja danujakulāmitra mitraśaśidṛṣṭe . dṛṣṭe bhavati prabhavati na bhavati kiṃ bhavatiraskāraḥ .. 4.. matsyādibhiravatārairavatāravatā'vatā sadā vasudhām . parameśvara paripālyo bhavatā bhavatāpabhīto'ham .. 5.. dāmodara guṇamandira sundaravadanāravinda govinda . bhavajaladhimathanamandara paramaṃ daramapanaya tvaṃ me .. 6.. nārāyaṇa karuṇāmaya śaraṇaṃ karavāṇi tāvakau caraṇau . iti ṣaṭpadī madīye vadanasaroje sadā vasatu .. 7.. .. iti śrīmad śaṅkarācāryaviracitaṃ viṣṇuṣaṭpadīstotraṃ sampūrṇam ..

Vishnu Shatpadi Stotram – Introduction

Vishnu Shatpadi Stotram – Introduction The Sri Vishnu Shatpadi (śrīviṣṇuṣaṭpadī) is a revered Sanskrit stotra (hymn) dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the preserver and protector in Hinduism. Composed by the illustrious philosopher and saint, Sri Shankaracharya , this hymn comprises six verses (ṣaṭpadī) that encapsulate deep spiritual insights and expressions of devotion. In this stotra, devotees invoke Lord Vishnu to dispel ignorance, calm the mind, and cultivate compassion. Each verse serves as a heartfelt plea for divine assistance in overcoming the trials and tribulations of worldly existence. The hymn highlights the unity between the devotee and the divine, emphasizing that the relationship with Lord Vishnu transcends superficial distinctions. Recited with reverence, the Sri Vishnu Shatpadi is often chanted during spiritual practices and rituals, fostering a sense of peace and surrender. Through its melodic verses, the stotra invites practitioners to deepen their connection with the divine and to seek refuge in the compassionate nature of Lord Vishnu. श्रीविष्णुषट्पदी अविनयमपनय विष्णो दमय मनः शमय विषयमृगतृष्णाम् । भूतदयां विस्तारय तारय संसारसागरतः ॥ १॥ दिव्यधुनीमकरन्दे परिमलपरिभोगसच्चिदानन्दे । श्रीपतिपदारविन्दे भवभयखेदच्छिदे वन्दे ॥ २॥ सत्यपि भेदापगमे नाथ तवाहं न मामकीनस्त्वम् । सामुद्रो हि तरङ्गः क्वचन समुद्रो न तारङ्गः ॥ ३॥ उद्धृतनग नगभिदनुज दनुजकुलामित्र मित्रशशिदृष्टे । दृष्टे भवति प्रभवति न भवति किं भवतिरस्कारः ॥ ४॥ मत्स्यादिभिरवतारैरवतारवताऽवता सदा वसुधाम् । परमेश्वर परिपाल्यो भवता भवतापभीतोऽहम् ॥ ५॥ दामोदर गुणमन्दिर सुन्दरवदनारविन्द गोविन्द । भवजलधिमथनमन्दर परमं दरमपनय त्वं मे ॥ ६॥ नारायण करुणामय शरणं करवाणि तावकौ चरणौ । इति षट्पदी मदीये वदनसरोजे सदा वसतु ॥ ७॥ ॥ इति श्रीमद् शङ्कराचार्यविरचितं विष्णुषट्पदीस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥